Show Results & Roll of Honour
Imp Gr Pr, LOOF Int Pr & TICA LA SGCA Amazolou The New Schmoo, LOOF Ch & RW SGC Boucles Madame Pourquoi & Dramatails Secret of Boucles at Spoticat 2015 all taken by the wonderfully talented Amy Thompson of Inxi Photography
**Page being updated**
Showing is a wonderful hobby and I am fortunate enough to have a lovely group of show neuter boys who enjoy their days out and have had success on the show bench. I am indebted to Zoe Amarilli for entrusting me with baby after baby to show when I started out.
Since the introduction of the Pedigree Pet classes at GCCF shows, a number of people have shown their Selkirk Rex variants with great success. Their wonderful laidback loving nature make them perfect in a section which is judged on temperament, condition, purrsonality and grooming. Variants make wonderful pets for those people who prefer a straight coat to a curly one!
Showing is a really social fun day out and the TICA style of showing is interactive and a great spectator day out ~ as such I have tended to show more with TICA in recent years as there is competition at all levels and the atmosphere is fun and lively!
I am proud to have bred the following successful show cats:
GCCF Ch & TICA RW SGC Boucles Monsieur Tibault 4 x GCCF Challenge Certificates Awarded 1 x GCCF Grand Challenge Certificate Awarded 19th Best AB Kitten EW Region 2013 2nd Best Selkirk Rex Longhair Kitten EW Region 2013 3rd Best Selkirk Rex Longhair Kitten Internationally 2013 7th Best Longhair Cat EW Region 2013 18th Best AB Cat EW Region 2013 Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat EW Region 2013 Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat Internationally 2013 Best Black Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat EW Region 2013 Best Black Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat Internationally 2013 Selkirk Rex Cat Club Best Male Kitten 2012 2nd Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat EW Region 2014 Best Black Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat Internationally 2014 Best Black Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat EW Region 2014 |
RW SGC & LOOF International Champion Boucles Madame Pourquoi BEST OF THE BEST KITTEN EW REGIONAL 2014 BEST OF THE BEST KITTEN SPOTICAT 2014 6th Best All Breed Kitten EW Region 2014/2015 International Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Kitten 2014/2015 EW Region Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Kitten 2014/2015 23rd Longhair Cat EW Region 2014/2015 EW Region 3rd Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat 2014/2015 International Best Brown Mackerel Tabby Selkirk Rex Longhair 2014/2015 EW Region Best Brown Mackerel Tabby Selkirk Rex Longhair 2014/2015 1st Open, CC and Best Opposite Sex Selkirk Rex Adult Rex Cat Club Show 2015 18th Longhair Cat EW Region 2015/2016 EW Region 2nd Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat 2015/2016 International 3rd Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat 2015/2016 International Best Brown Mackerel Tabby Selkirk Rex Longhair 2015/2016 EW Region Best Brown Mackerel Tabby Selkirk Rex Longhair 2015/2016 RW SGC Boucles Cotton Candy ~ loved and shown by Vikki Moran of Windleaves Selkirk Rex 13th Best Allbreed Cat EW REGION 2013/2014 7th Best Longhair Cat EW REGION 2013/2014 BEST OF BREED SELKIRK REX LONGHAIR CAT INTERNATIONALLY 2013/2014 BEST OF BREED SELKIRK REX LONGHAIR CAT EW REGION 2013/2014 Best Black Silver Shaded Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat Internationally 2013/2014 Best Black Silver Shaded Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat EW Region 2013/2014 REGIONAL WINNER!! 2013/2014 |
RW QGC Boucles Penelope La Chatte BIS British Kitten Three Counties Cat Society 2013 3rd Best of the Best Cat @ Ticked Tica Show January 2014 on adult debut 5th Best Allbreed Kitten EW Region 2013/2014 2nd Best Shorthair Kitten EW Region 2013/2014 BEST OF BREED SELKIRK REX KITTEN EW REGION 2013/2014 2nd Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Kitten Internationally 2013/2014 2nd Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Cat EW Region 2013/2014 Best Black Silver Spotted Tabby and White Selkirk Rex Cat Internationally 2013/2014 Best Black Silver Spotted Tabby and White Selkirk Rex Cat EW Region 2013/2014 REGIONAL WINNER!! 2013/2014 25th Best Shorthair Cat EW Region 2014/2015 EW Region Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Cat 2014/2015 International Best Black Silver Spotted Tabby with White Selkirk Rex Cat 2014/2015 EW Region Best Black Silver Spotted Tabby with White Selkirk Rex Cat 2014/2015 NW Region 3rd Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Cat 2015/2016 International Best Black Silver Spotted Tabby with White Selkirk Rex Cat 2015/2016 NW Region Best Black Silver Spotted Tabby with White Selkirk Rex Cat 2015/2016
Boucles Soo Zee Pee 2nd Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Kitten EW Region 2013/2014 |
Supreme GMC Slinky Malinki (Supreme Household Pet Exhibit 2010) ~ indulged and shown by Lesley Szwed Overall BIS Eqyptian Mau 2010 Overall BIS Supreme 2010 Overall BIS Three Counties 2012 Best in Show Pedigree Pet Birman Cat Club 2013 |
IGMC & TICA RW GMC Orlando ~ loved and shown by Morgan Lee BIS Kitten Suffolk & Norfolk 2012 BIS Ped Pet Somerset 2012 BIS Kitten Wiltshire 2012 Overall BIS HHP Norwegian CC 2013 ONE SHOW GRAND ~ SPOTICAT 2014 23rd Best HHP Adult EW Region 2014/2015 Overall BIS HHP Colourpoint Cat Club 2015 Overall BIS HHP Somali Cat Club 2015 |
Mimi BIS Pedigree Pet Tabby Cat Club 2010
RW SGM Madame Supersonique ~ loved and shown by Mandy Rainbow BEST OF THE BEST HHP KITTEN ~ Swanley September 2014 BEST OF THE BEST HHP KITTEN - EW Regional Show 2014 BEST OF THE BEST HHP KITTEN - Cattica 2014 BEST OF THE BEST HHP KITTEN - Magnifikatz 2014 BEST OF THE BEST HHP KITTEN - Chilly Willy 2015 Triple Grand Master at her first Adult TICA Show ~ Ticked Tica 2015 Achieved Supreme Grand Master in just 5 days of show at VanTICA 2015. THIRD BEST OF THE BEST HHP ~ Fantastica 2015 Best HHP Kitten EW Region 2014/2015 10th Best HHP Adult EW Region 2014/2015 11th Best HHP Adult EW Region 2015/2016
Gr Pr, LOOF Int Gr Pr & RW SGCA Boucles Monsieur Meli-Melo ~ loved and shown by Diana Saunderson of Watchout Birmans Awarded Champion Alter title ~ Naturally Tica February 2015 1st Open, PC & Best of Breed ~ Herts & Middlesex 2015 1st Open and PC ~ Cov & Leics 2015 Awarded Grand Champion Alter title ~ Brigg March 2015 Awarded Double Grand, Triple Grand, Quadruple Grand Champion Alter titles ~ Dublin April 2015 SECOND BEST OF THE BEST ALTER ~ Dublin April 2015 23rd All Breed Alter EW Region 2014/2015 International Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Alter 2014/2015 EW Region Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Alter 2014/2015 Grand PC awarded ~ Rex Cat Club 2015 Supreme Title achieved ~ Cats n Tulips On Safari Europe 2015 1st and 2nd CAP's awarded ~ LOOF Paris 2016 Best in Show Semilonghair Neuter ~ LOOF Paris 2016 SECOND BEST OF THE BEST ALTER ~ Toulouse February 2016 SECOND BEST OF THE BEST ALTER ~ Buchy April 2016 Best in Show Semilonghair Neuter ~ LOOF Buchy April 2016 6th All Breed Alter EW Region 2015/2016 International Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Alter 2015/2016 EW Region Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Alter 2015/2016
QGC Boucles Brisa of Curlysue 1st & BOB & RED CARD DAY 2 x FIFE CAC'S awarded TICA Quadruple Grand Champion |
and had the privilege of owning and showing the following successful show cats: RW Ch Dramatails Secret of Boucles 3 finals from 8 rings inlcuding a BEST KITTEN award ~ Cats n Tulips On Safari Europe 2015 5 finals from 10 rings including a BEST KITTEN award ~ Catimini Orleans 2015 EX1 & Best In Variete ~ LOOF 7th November 2015 EX1 & Best in Variete & Nominated for Best in Show ~ LOOF 8th November 2015 EX1 both days ~ LOOF 16th & 17th January 2016 THIRD BEST OF THE BEST KITTEN ~ Catimini Paris 2016
Ch Curlysue Tarkan of Boucles Awarded 2 x EX1 awards at first FIFE show aged 4 months Made 12 of the 14 finals at his first TICA show at VanTICA aged 5 months including TWO BEST KITTEN AWARDS Made 8 of the 12 finals at his second TICA show at Fantastica aged 6 months including a BEST KITTEN AWARD Made all 10 finals at his third TICA show at Oneforall aged just 7 months including THREE BEST KITTEN AWARDS and was awarded OVERALL BEST IN SHOW KITTEN Made 6 out of 8 finals at his last one day show as a kitten including TWO BEST KITTEN AWARDS and was placed SECOND BEST OF THE BEST IN SHOW KITTEN Awarded TICA Champion title aged just 8 months
Gr Pr & SGCAAmazolou Mister Fantastic **to be updated**
Imp Gr Ch, LOOF Int Ch & TICA LA SGC Amazolou Mr Brightside Softee has had an extremely successful show career to date although he has only been shown on 3 occasions since 2012 and I am incredibly proud of him and will always owe my gratitude to Zoe Amarilli for entrusting me with this very very special boy. He is still the only Imperial titled longhaired male entire cat in GCCF and the youngest Selkirk entire cat to achieve Imperial which he did in just 12 shows. BEST BRITISH KITTEN at the West of England & South Wales Cat Society Show 2009 BEST OF VARIETY BRITISH ADULT at Somerset Cat Club 2010 BEST IN SHOW SELKIRK ADULT and NOMINATED FOR OVERALL BEST IN SHOW ADULT at Rex Cat Club 2010 BEST IN SHOW ADULT at Selkirk Rex Cat Club 2010 Awarded Grand Challenge Certificate Supreme Show 2010 Selkirk Rex Cat Club Best Smoke, Shaded or Tipped 2010 Selkirk Rex Cat Club Best Adult Male 2010 RED CARD DAY and nominated for Best in Show at Somerset Cat Club 2011 BEST BRITISH ADULT, BEST IN SHOW BRITISH & OVERALL BEST IN THE WEST West Country Cat Club 2012 Softee is Best of Breed Selkirk Longhair kitten for Europe West or the 2009-2010 show season from just two shows! He is also the Best Silver Shaded Adult Selkirk Rex Longhair Internationally and for the Region of Western Europe. TICA STANDINGS 2010/2011 13th BEST LONGHAIR CAT - EW REGION 24th BEST ALLBREED CAT - EW REGION BEST OF BREED LONGHAIR SELKIRK REX CAT IN THE WORLD BEST OF BREED LONGHAIR SELKIRK REX CAT - EW REGION BEST SILVER SHADED LONGHAIR SELKIRK REX - BOTH INTERNATIONALLY AND EW REGION
2nd Best Black Silver Shaded Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat Internationally 2013/2014 2nd Best Black Silver Shaded Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat EW Region 2013/2014 Best of Breed & Best Selkirk Rex Adult ~ Rex Cat Club 2015 2 x CACs awarded in LOOF ~ Toulouse February 2016 Best in Variete Saturday and Sunday and nominated for Best in Show both days in LOOF ~ Toulouse Feb 2016 THIRD BEST OF THE BEST CAT ~ Toulouse February 2016 |
Imp Gr Pr & LA SGCA & LOOF Int Gr Premier Amazolou The New Schmoo Schmooey was born to be a show cat and since discovering TICA he has really shone ~ his list of achievements is impressive: Multiple PC's and Grand PCs awarded 5 Imperial Grand PCs awarded 2 Reserve Olympian Grand PCs awarded (from two attempts) 3 LOOF CAP & 3 LOOF CAPIB Certificates awarded BEST OF VARIETY BRITISH KITTEN West of England & South Wales Cat Society Show 23rd August 2008 RED CARD DAY CRAOV 18th October 2008 Selkirk Rex Cat Club Best Male Kitten & Best Overall Kitten 2008 Selkirk Rex Cat Club Best Smoke, Shaded or Tipped 2009 RED CARD DAY Lincolnshire Cat Club 2010 Selkirk Rex Cat Club Best Male Neuter 2010 (Joint) BEST OF VARIETY BRITISH NEUTER SOMERSET CAT CLUB 2011 BEST OF VARIETY BRITISH NEUTER WEST COUNTRY CAT CLUB 2012 RED CARD DAY Wiltshire Cat Club 2012 BEST OF VARIETY BRITISH NEUTER WILTSHIRE CAT CLUB 2012 RED CARD DAY Three Counties Cat Society 2012 BEST OF VARIETY BRITISH NEUTER & OVERALL BEST IN SHOW BRITISH THREE COUNTIES CAT SOCIETY 2012 RED CARD DAY Three Counties Cat Society 2013 BEST OF THE BEST ALTER EW REGIONAL SHOW Stevenage September 2012 SECOND BEST OF THE BEST ALTER CATTICA HALLOWEEN SHOW Newbury October 2012 BEST OF THE BEST ALTER RAGTIME TICA Peterborough January 2013 BEST OF THE BEST ALTER ONE FOR ALL CAT CLUB Brigg March 2013 THIRD BEST OF THE BEST ALTER BELGIAN TICA CLUB Eghezee Belgium April 2013 THIRD BEST OF THE BEST ALTER CATS-4-US TICA CLUB Frankfurt Germany April 2013 BEST OF THE BEST ALTER BELGIAN TICA CAT CLUB Eghezee September 2013 BEST OF THE BEST ALTER BENGAL CAT CLUB Solihull October 2013 SECOND BEST OF THE BEST ALTER DUTCH TICA CLUB Hellevoetluis November 2013 SECOND BEST OF THE BEST ALTER CATAMINI TICA CLUB Orleans November 2013 THIRD BEST OF THE BEST ALTER TIRNATICA CLUB Dundalk January 2014 BEST OF THE BEST ALTER CATTICA Newbury February 2014 BEST OF THE BEST ALTER Holzminden February 2014 SECOND BEST OF THE BEST ALTER TICKED TICA Swanley March 2014 THIRD BEST OF THE BEST BELGIAN TICA CATS Colfontaine April 2014 THIRD BEST OF THE BEST RAGTIME Peterborough April 2014 SECOND BEST OF THE BEST ALTER Swanley March 2015 SECOND BEST OF THE BEST ALTER Buchy March 2015 BEST OF THE BEST ALTER Nantes April 015 THIRD BEST OF THE BEST ALTER Fantastica June 2015 9th Best AB Alter ~ EW 2011/2012 BEST OF BREED SELKIRK REX ALTER ~ EW 2011/2012 2nd BEST OF BREED SELKIRK REX ALTER ~ INTERNATIONALLY 2011/2012 19th Best AB International Alter - INTERNATIONAL WINNER!! - FIRST UK Selkirk Alter to achieve the title ~ 2012/2013 2nd Best AB Regional Alter ~ EW 2012/2013 Best SH Regional Alter ~ EW 2012/2013 BEST OF BREED SELKIRK REX ALTER INTERNATIONALLY 2012/2013 BEST OF BREED SELKIRK REX ALTER REGIONALLY 2012/2013 6th Best Allbreed Alter & 3rd Best Shorthair Alter INTERNATIONALLY 2013/2014 2nd Best Allbreed Alter & BEST Shorthair Alter EW REGION 2013/2014 BEST OF BREED SELKIRK REX ALTER INTERNATIONALLY 2013/2014 BEST OF BREED SELKIRK REX ALTER EW REGION 2013/2014 INTERNATIONAL WINNER!! 2013/2014 AWARED LIFETIME ACHEIVEMENT AWARD!!! 2013/2014 Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Neuter, Best Selkirk Rex Neuter and Overall Best in Show Selkirk Rex ~ Rex Cat Club 2015 3rd BEST OF THE BEST ALTER ~ Catimini Orleans 2015 2 x CAGPI Certificates awarded in LOOF @ Catimini Orleans 2015, 2 x Prix Speciale, BEST IN SHOW ALTER both days and down to last 2 for OVERALL BEST IN SHOW SHORTHAIR on Sunday |
CFA Ch & RW TGC Susens Sol Dream of Boucles (US Import) 14th Best Longhaired Cat MP REGION 2013/2014 2nd Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat MP Region 2013/2014 2nd Best of Breed Selkirk Rex Longhair Kitten MP Region 2013/2014 Best Chocolate Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat Internationally 2013/2014 Best Chocolate Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat MP Region 2013/2014 REGIONAL WINNER!! 2013/2014 |
Ch Lelaurier IConfess of Boucles Best Lilac/White British Shorthair EW Region 2012-2013 2nd Best Lilac/White British Shorthair Internationally 2012-2013 |
Ch Bedazzlecats Zebedee of Boucles Best Blue Silver Shaded Selkirk Rex Longhair EW Region 2012-2013 Best Blue Silver Shaded Selkirk Rex Longhair Internationally 2012-2013 |
Pr & Ch Alter Amazolou Skaramoosh 3rd Best Selkirk Rex Longhair Alter 2011-2012 |
Best Neuter Rex Cat Club 2007 Selkirk Rex Cat Club Best Male Neuter & Overall Neuter of the Year 2007 Selkirk Rex Cat Club Best Black Selkirk Rex of the Year 2007 |